Epic Experts Gift Giveaway
Epic Experts Gift Giveaway
Created 1 year 2 months ago
Organizer JV Insider Circle
Epic Experts Gift Giveaway
Timezone: Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Giveaway date(s): -

Registration ends: Fri, Jun 2, 2023 11:59 PM (1 year 3 weeks ago)

3 Secrets to Look and Feel Great
Amy Janece Image Consultant and Stylist

Looking and feeling great can have a direct impact on how you show up in the world, how easy (or difficult) it is for others to connect with you, as well as your sales and numbers in business. When you look and feel like a million bucks, you can sell a million bucks.

Just Finish Your Damn Book
Lisa J MacDonald CEO of Step It Up Enterprises

The need for you to have a book position in the crowded business market is becoming greater. A book is one of the quickest ways to get attention and establish your credibility and expertise. 

But 97% of people who start writing their books never finish. The reason is they aren't setting themselves up for success. 


*Discover the 7 Biggest Myths Keeping You from Writing Your Book

*Uncover the 7 Truths to Get You Writing Your Book Today

* Learn How to Feel Calm and Confident Writing Your Book (in fact, by following these insights, you may find all the writing you need to do is easier) ....

Grab your free guide. 


5 Offstage Keys to Onstage Radiance
Diann Alexander Confidence Catalyst

Excellence is in the details.  This helpful PDF guides you to clarity in 5 essential areas all presenters need BEFORE getting onstage so they can SHINE onstage & authentically connect with their appreciative audiences.

Launch Your Podcast In 30 Days - Checklist & Video
Erik K. Johnson Podcast Talent Coach

Ready to launch your podcast? You get …

  • FREE Checklist to launch your podcast. Get started creating your podcast today.
  • A detailed video to walk you through the process and ensure you understand each step as you launch.
  • Clear, step-by-step instructions. Everything you need to go from idea to published to launch in 4 WEEKS.

Gift Value $197

Lucrative Lead Magnets
Karen Gruber Business Coach

Explode your Audience with this groundbreaking guide to create your next Lead-Magnet that CONVERTS! Previously ONLY shared with private clients, this guide has helped spiritual entrepreneurs and healers generate 1,000's of quality leads to their email lists. Includes proven guidelines on the type of content that gets first-class sign ups.

Clear Your Clients' Limiting Beliefs (and clear your own while you're at it.)
Lion Goodman Founder, Clear Beliefs Institute

What is your definition of success? Is it external (wealth, vacations, toys) or internal (purpose, meaning, harmony)?  What is success – really?  It depends on your beliefs.  Our limiting beliefs hold us back - and the same is true for our clients. Learn about a methodology that eliminates limiting and negative beliefs completely - and permanently - by working directly with the subconscious mind at the core of the psyche. It's a unique approach: trauma-informed therapeutic coaching - which can produce profound transformational experiences in almost every session. It can clear lifelong burdens from past traumas or crappy programming from parents, religion, or other authorities. Begin by examining your own belief using the Belief Self-Diagnosis exercise in the book.   

Guide to Strategic Planning
Judy Whalen Founder & CEO

Growing your business requires clarity, focus, and action. Strategic planning helps you develop the clarity you need to prioritize your strategic initiatives, stay focused on your priorities, and take action. The guide offers short, practical articles on topics such as Reasons Smart Companies Use Strategic Planning, Street-wise Tips to Make Strategic Planning Work for Your Business, Using Strategic Thinking to Build a Sustainable Business, Creating Your Game Plan, and more.

The LinkedIn Roadmap
Dumont Owen Master Personal/Digital Brand Strategist

The LinkedIn RoadMap is your step-by-step guide to building a consistent stream of highly qualified leads and a complete sales funnel using LinkedIn. If you're in B2B or have clients who are B2B, you must be on LinkedIn. Here's why:

  • 80% of web leads for B2B come from LinkedIn. That's four out of every five leads!
  • LinkedIn converts 277% better than any other platform, including Google.
  • LinkedIn users are more affluent than those on other platforms. That means they can afford your premium services!

The LinkedIn Roadmap is the first step to building a pipeline of highly qualified clients to your business daily and a sales funnel that makes sales conversations natural and authentic.


Stand Out & Captivate: 1-Hour Video Mini Course
Gerry Foster President

High-level branding strategies to stand out, get noticed  to attract your ideal clients in 60 days or less!

"Skyrocket Your Business and Income with Our Fully Editable High-Converting 70-Slide Deck"
Gary Lafferty Virtual Events Expert

Are you an entrepreneur or business owner looking to increase your revenue and take your business to the next level? Look no further than our fully editable 70-slide deck! 

Our deck is designed to help you create powerful presentations that convert into paying clients. With the ability to fully customize the deck to your specific needs, you can easily tailor your presentations to your audience and branding. 

Whether you're hosting a webinar, masterclass, or seminar, our deck provides the tools and resources you need to succeed. Don't wait any longer to unlock the secrets of high-ticket sales – get started with our deck today!

ChatGPT for Coaches Checklist™
TR Garland Coaching Industry Veteran & Insider

The ChatGPT for Coaches Checklist™ has been carefully curated for coaches, consultants, & course creators who've been "hearing all the hooplah" about A.I. and wondering how they can tap into it to:

  • Get More Calls on their Calendar
  • Get More Clients in their Community
  • Get More Cash in their Bank Account


When you download this checklist right now, you're about to discover:

7 Do's + 7 Don'ts to Using Today's Top Tool to Create Content that Converts into Clients

Digital Assets Execution Plan
Shadeed Eleazer Content Licensing Strategist

The Digital Assets Execution Plan is a powerful system designed to empower coaches, authors, speakers, and service-based professionals to break free from the time-for-money trap using their knowledge, skills, and experience hosted online. 
Say goodbye to technical overwhelm as you discover how to host your digital assets online without needing a large team or high costs. In this training, you will explore strategies for packaging your expertise and experience into digital assets that can secure lucrative joint ventures and licensing deals using our proven methods.

Video Training: DISC Behavioral Profiling
Ramesh Dewangan Leadership Coach | Founder and CEO

Do you want to raise your influence when interacting with others?

Connecting with others opens doors to opportunities and can help people and companies grow beyond their wildest expectations. Leaders and teams that work through connection issues get stronger and better.

DISC Behavior profiling is a powerful technique to raise the effectiveness of your interactions.

In this 20-min video training, you will learn four different personality styles and tips on using them in your interactions to take your influence to the next level.

7 Quick and Easy Ways To Use AI/Chat GPT in Your Biz- NOW!
Susie Crum Biz Coach, Teacher, Consultant

Have you tried AI for your business yet? If you haven't yet, grab this list and you can start right now! 

And if you're already using it, this may save you some time and effort! 

This latest trend can not only save you time and money, but also help you get more creative and specific in what you want to deliver!


The Frugal Techie Resource Guide + 1 Strategy Call ($197 Value)
Blaney Teal The Frugal Techie Resource Guide

Do you wonder what successful business owners use to simplify their business?

How do some businesss owners get so much done even when on vacation? 

Its all about implimenting tools, systems and automations into yoir business. This gift is everything you need to save time and money, and shorten you  learning curve. Use only vetted tools to become more productive and save time and money. This gift includes a strategy call with Blaney to get your questions answered about the recommended tools and resources so you impliment the right tools for your business. ($197 value)

20 Free Leads
Stacy Braiuca Change Navigator & Squirrel Wrangler

Who doesn't need leads?  We all do.  Check out this great system while you get free leads in the process… 

Unlock Your Networking Potential
Lorraine Ellen Scott Founder & Owner

Networking is important for any business, but it can be especially tough for introverts. The good news is that with the right strategies, you can totally crush it and build meaningful connections that help you grow your business. In this guide, Lorraine shares five proven strategies that will help you unlock your networking potential and achieve your goals, even if you're an introverted entrepreneur.

5 Tips for a Healthier Emotional Future After Divorce
Mark Pearson Certified Divorce Coach

Implement the 5 tips for a healthier emotional future after divorce.

ALIGNMENT MADE EASY: 3 Hacks to Rock Your Love Life for Women Entrepreneurs
Carla Salteris Law of Attraction Love Coach For Women™

This powerful video and pdf guide is short and sweet. By beginning to feel into alignment, you summon all of your power to create. Let's take it from complicated to easy peasy. Are you ready to make the shift from a mediocre love relationship or the lack of one to your Higher Self's version of soulmate? It's all up to you in each and every moment. When you start "feeling into" these love alignment daily practices, you will steadily raise your love vibe from the inside out. You will  begin to attract intentionally the best out of your mate or your date! Cheers to your love success.

5 Shocking Secrets About Inflammation
Birgit Witherspoon & Nicole Stone Wellness Coaches

Learn little known facts about inflammation and how it can lead to disease if not dealt with.

Chronic inflammation can affect your health by causing issues of weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, chronic pain, anxiety, infertility and low libido, to name a few. 

Included is a checklist that will help you get clear on the level of inflammation in your body.  Plus, discover simple and easy to implement action steps you can take immediately to feel better.  

It is available as an eBook and a video.

10 Steps To Happier Digestion (and a Healthy Gut)
Anne Callander Holistic Wellness Practitioner

Your 10 Steps to a Happier Digestion will help you lay a foundation for a Happier Digestion and better Gut Health. I use the words ‘Happier Digestion’ because nobody feels great when they have gas, bloating, discomfort after eating or stomach upsets. These are just a few signs that can indicate poor gut health. And poor gut health impacts every aspect of our well-being. I am excited for you to put these simple (but powerful) steps into practice and feel the difference for yourself. 

Self-Awareness Quiz
Maria Savala-Mahany Counselor/Coach/Consultant

How Self-Aware Are You... REALLY?

When you are self-aware you …

  • Are able to make better decisions and focus on projects to get more things done in less time
  • Create better relationships both personally and professionally with boundaries that empower you and others
  • Be able to identify and release what causes stress, anger and despair with two simple techniques

Take this quiz to discover how self-aware you really are.


The #1 Way Out of Overwhelm and Burnout
Janice Steinbach The Wise Growth Coach

The #1 Way Out of Overwhelm and Burnout:


The experience of awe decreases stress and inflammation, while stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

Learn how to bring awe into your daily life.

Skip the awful and start cultivating awesome.

You Are The Gift
Clodagh Meiklejohn Transformational Coach & Speaker

You have the power to create your best life as well a better world. This guide will show you not only how to use your incredible gifts and inner powers to create what you dream of but, more than that, it will also empower you to live with purpose and to make a make a difference at a time when the world so urgently needs us all to be living our full creative potential. (Extra Resources : Powerful exercises to activate your potential as well as overcome subconscious blocks and self-sabotage patterns)

Living the Life that Awaits You
Karen Bonnett-Natraj Bonnett-Natraj Mindful Athlete Coach

Living the Life that Awaits You will give you better awareness of what is really holding your back from you truest potential.  Learn about the Judge and the 9 accomplice saboteurs and how to crush them with one or all of the 5 Sage Powers. 

Choose Your Own Self-Care Adventure
Beth E. Coombs Self-Care Coach

A self-care toolkit with aromatherapy, yoga, and meditation suggestions and short practices to help you move from stressed to resilient.  Practices are only 5 minutes long!  Become the main character instead of a supporting role in your life with proven self-care tools that help you manage stress, reduce pain, and help you sleep better.  

Get It Done! - 30-day online group program
Anna Regine Success Alchemy

Endless, ever growing TO-DO lists? 

No way to get it all done? 

Is that you?

This new 30-day online program will help you!

Weekly online group coaching plus Mon-Wed-Fri accountability coaching.

Next group starts 5 June 2023.

Extra bonus: 

The 3 Essential Tips for Immediate Relief from Overwhelm and Stress (e-booklet)

Top 7 Money Making Activities
Cindy J Holbrook Cindy J, The Visibility Wiz

You'll ...

  •  Discover the top 7 Money Making Activities in your online business.
  • Understand the difference between lead-generating vs money-making activities.
  • Identify the 5 things that provide 80% (or more) of your income.
8 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Not Yet Making 6 Figures E-Book
Jill Hope Mompreneur Money Coach

You didn’t come here to be stuck in a purpose-based business that may be fulfilling but doesn’t make money. In this eye-opening e-book, discover the deeper reasons why you haven’t broken through the 6-figure glass ceiling in your purpose-driven business AND what you can shift to immediately to start making more money.

When you finally understand what’s getting in your way, it will be so much more clear which actions will lead to the financial success you seek so you can start living your dreams.

Women who Create Empowered Wealth
Denise Toffey Financial Identity Strategist

Did You Know Creating Empowered Wealth was right within your reach? When you come to explore and understand your own Sacred Money Archetypes that guide your own challenges and Your strengths with Money, you'll see that you hold the key to Empowered wealth.

3 Simple Things Every Woman Should Know About Investing In The Stock Market
Juliann Gumulak-Smith Investment Academy for Women founder

This article outlines some misconceptions about the stock market that women often have. It empowers women to overcome their fears around investing and how to take action.

Design Your Peaceful Millionaire Life
Jessa Carter The Peaceful Billionaire


This powerful workbook is packed with intentional tools to make Your PEACEFUL MILLIONAIRE Life your inevitable reality faster than you ever imagined possible.

Discover the Art of Bouncing Back Without Breaking:
Almena Mozon Clinical Psychologist/Empowerment Coach

Don’t let life's challenges knock you down.

Rise above and shine even brighter with this vital guide to help professionals and entrepreneurs strengthen resilience and bounce back from challenging times.

Your Benefits:

Understand the Essence of Resilience

Navigate Life’s Highs and Lows with Confidence

Master the Art of Bouncing Back

Foster Positive Mindset

Boost your Confidence and Emotional Strength

Create Supportive Relationships

Experience the Power of Self-Care

5 Wellness Hacks to Undo
Julie-ann Pina Cancer coach for Business Owners

Many of these methods overdo a good idea, or take it in the wrong direction. So if you have tried to do them before and were not satisfied, it’s not your fault. Usually, we think the solution is to keep trying to do it “right” or “enough”. But the problem was in the instructions. They sounded good on the surface, but didn’t actually deliver what they promised. This gift uncovers the hidden angle you need, to see how these ideas work.

Circadian Mastery Is The Future of Health
Meredith Oke Founder, Quantum Biology Collective

From wellness to weight loss to productivity - the LIGHT your clients live under is either supporting or sabotaging their goals, every second of every day. The good news: incorporating healthy light habits into your coaching practice is pretty simple, once you know how and why to do it.


This 2 min quiz will immediately give you a head start to understanding circadian regulation, then we provide a one page PDF that outlines the ideal circadian day so you can start helping your clients right away. We also include links to multiple resources that outline the major paradigm shift happening in how we understand human health when it comes to light and frequency.