The Show Summit
The Show Summit
Created 1 year 8 months ago
Organizer Dannella Burnett
The Show Summit
Business Areas
Business Marketing Media Mindset PR & Communications Technology Telecommunications
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Sun, Feb 26, 2023 1:16 PM (1 year 7 months ago)


Calling all Television Hosts, Radio Show Hosts and Podcast Host!


The Show Summit is currently looking for speakers to interview and promote their shows.  The Show Summit is a gathering of podcast, radio and tv show hosts talking about their best practices, mistakes, rewards and the visibility they've experienced.  How has their show helped them improve their business, gain more visibility, get more clients…all the good and the mistakes that come with a show.   It is a requirement that you currently host some type of show.  You will be able to promote yourself and your show during your interview.  This summit will be LIVE and is running Feb 25th and 26th. 

Could you use Extra Money at the End of the Month
Albert Corey

Discover How with just a few simple tweeks you can increase your cash 

How To Build A "Why Not Me" Mindset To Share Your Gifts With The World
Amanda Walker
Expanding Your Reach Through Speaking Up
Amy Sanders
Client Attraction Connection
Gamify Your Goals
Anirudh Cheruvu Cheruvu
Business Design +2
Entrepreneurship Empowerment +3
Quantum Shift To Success
Ann Varney Spiritual Teacher | Author | Podcaster

How spiritual connection can help you align with your manifestations and create magic in your life. 

Below are the steps I will discuss in more detail:

  • Raising energetic vibration
  • Connecting to your superpower
  • Superpowers connecting to your magic
  • Magic connecting to the spiritual realm
  • Letting go
  • Receiving your manifestation



Education Health & Well-being +3
Education Virtual Events +19
Promises, Time and Bringing a Bat - Oh My!
David Chametzky Follow your P.A.T.H
Education Entertainment & Art +2
Pulling Each Other Along
Doug Cornfield
Business Education +3
Education Athletes +13
How To Attract Your Ideal Clients To Make Money With Your Podcast
Erik K. Johnson Podcast Talent Coach

Your content can drive your business by growing your relationships and authority.

During this content-packed presentation, you will…

  • Discover 6 steps to attract your ideal clients and keep your sales pipeline full.
  • Learn why now is the time to leverage your content on one of the fastest growing platform today.
  • Master the 3 challenges that derail most experts in the online space.

You will get case studies, examples, resources and more! Plus, you'll leave with 21 lead magnet ideas to get you started just for showing up!

Business Marketing
Marketing Business +6
Selling the Truth
Hersh Rephun
James Dentley Strategic Event Producer and Speaker Support Services

Speaking without monetization is just talking.   Are you positioning yourself to make money every time your speak?  Not all gigs are created equal and the right gigs can make a massive impact to your profit and influence.  Be prepared, positioned, ready to be profitable and get the right gigs! 

Podcasting Your Global Career
James O'Connor
Entertainment & Art
3 Massive Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make That Sabotage Their Business
Kathi Burns, CPO

You probably became an entrepreneur to use your talents to help your clients become more successful and live their dream. The problem with growing your business is that as it grows, you run the risk of your clients consuming your schedule and your focus. 

You spend so much time helping your clients that your business suffers due to lack of underlying business systems put into place that support you. 

You end up working inside your business as opposed to working ON your business. When this happens, you go into reaction mode and rush to put a quick fix into place until you have more time to build a better system later.

You have everything it takes to run a successful business, but your business infrastructure does not help you help yourself. When you learn how to handle these 3 common productivity pitfalls, you will become organized, energized and able to take your business to the next level!

  1. Broken or duplicated systems

You might not realize how much your duplicated systems and/or broken systems are hampering your productivity and your sanity, and are keeping you away from the success and freedom that comes from being the successful business owner you deserve to be.

    2. Multiple To Do Lists

The best list is one list! And preferably bound into a notebook. Loose pieces of paper or writing your to do’s on post its or the back of an envelope will not help you stay organized. In fact, every loose piece of paper creates more chaos and confusion. 

 Your ‘to do‘ lists have the capacity to multiply like happy bunny rabbits, with the likely result that your sleep patterns are interrupted by constant niggling thoughts of things left undone. 

   3. Piles instead of files

Do you hate your filing system - and change it quite often? Do you have to sort through piles to find what you need?

Would you like to know how to put things in order, find them fast and keep them in order? 

Well, guess what - you are in luck! There is a new system created that solves these 3 productivity saboteurs, and it is called The 'Get It Gone Formula'


Business Consulting
Three Easy Steps from Clutter to Cash Flow - Remove the Barriers to your Bottom Line!
Kitti Andrews

I talk to established and startup entrepreneurs about how eliminating their clutter can help them make more money in their business so they can create an amazing life for themselves and their families.


Business Mindset
Business Mindset +3
Give, Serve and Share: The Secret Sauce to Increasing, Impact, Influence and Income through Media.
Mayah Rose

During this presentation, Mayah Rose will share with you just how she was able to go from a reach of thousands to a reach of millions in just 9 months through her tv show, radio show and podcasts.

Media Lead Generation +4
You're only five steps away from abundance
Omu Obilor Coach

This presentation will teach you the fundamentals of not just building authority but also getting profitable. We start with identifying what we want to build authority in? Then the "why." Once done, we learn how to identify platforms that meet your niche. Then the process of building credibility. Lastly, how does this translate to profitability? We will learn the VCP Process where VCP is visibility, profitability, and credibility. 

Rising Above Challenges in all areas of our lives so we can live it to their fullest.
Patricia Jo Grover The Goal Achievement Strategist

Sharing a little background with the audience to make the initial connection, Showing that we all are human and have pain points.

Setting the stage for everyone to realize that Life is going to happen to us ready we are ready for it to or not.  And I really key in on this point.  And why I then decided that there were things that I had no control over, but what I did have I was going to try to make it have the most positive outcome possible.

Sharing what I decided to do because I was finally realizing that I wanted a better life for myself and my child.

Everything that I have shared at this point I know that most of the audience can connect to.

Sharing that was when the concept for my book, as well as my entire platform, started forming in the back of my mind.

Because I realized that I couldn't be the only one that wanted and needed to find my direction in a more heart-centered approach rather than the cold matter-of-factness that I always was feeling when listening to and reading what all of the Male Motivational & Leadership gurus at that time where sharing. Because when I needed it the most that were all there was out there.

Hence that is when I started creating my own system that worked for me.  That I later developed into my book, products, services, memberships, courses, my Show, Podcast, Summits, On-Line Academy, my Empowerment Network & Mastermind Group, and my Non-Profit.

My Show, is an extension of me, and how I choose to serve on many different levels.  And what drew me to having my show streaming on the JD3TV Network was my connection with James and his vision for the Network.  It connected with my Heart-Centered Approach to all that I do, and how I choose to serve the world.

Let me know if you need more info from me about this Dannella

Rey Perez Strategic Event Producer and Speaker Support Services

Speaking without monetization is just talking.   Are you positioning yourself to make money every time your speak?  Not all gigs are created equal and the right gigs can make a massive impact to your profit and influence.  Be prepared, positioned, ready to be profitable and get the right gigs! 

Get More Clarity For Your Desired Brand to Move Forward On Purpose: See & Feel Your Gifts Come Alive & Attract with Authenticity!
Rich Kozak

Most Brands lack clarity, and most Brands fall flat. Witness the clarity that makes Brands come alive & attract and that accelerates the Brand’s impacts on people and the world it touches. Get clear on the steps you can take now to increase the clarity in YOUR brand.

The Financial Impact of King Cotton
Roger Persaud