Survive and Thrive Through Divorce Summit
Survive and Thrive Through Divorce Summit
Created 2 years 4 weeks ago
Organizer Jan Holland
Survive and Thrive Through Divorce Summit
Business Areas
Health & Well-being
Divorce Empowerment Mindset
Timezone: Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Australia

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Mon, May 8, 2023 11:55 PM (1 year 8 months ago)


SURVIVE AND THRIVE THROUGH DIVORCE SUMMIT - Learn how to separate the smart way.


Gain free access to each session. You will learn from renowned authors and experts in relationships, family law, finance, well-being fitness and more…


After the death of a spouse, divorce is regarded as one of the major stressors in life. It is important to be well informed and to know where to find good support.


It is a time when you make major decisions that affect the rest of your life.


When you are in a state of anxiety, your ability to think clearly is diminished.


Lawyers and financial advisors are coming to the realization that their client’s emotional well-being needs to be addressed before they can fully engage and make good legal and financial decisions.


How do you remain resilient in the face of everything that is happening?



You will hear from financial and legal experts and get valuable tips on self-care. You will learn how you can support yourself each and every day during this challenging time and beyond. 


You are also going to hear from experts on co-parenting and how you can support your children through this major change.


Divorce is a major life transition. You owe it to yourself to be well-informed and to know how to best care for yourself during this time of change and upheaval.


This summit has been created to provide  practical, valuable, and inspirational content to support you and help you make the best decisions for your life ahead. 


Family Mediation
Arabella Joseph Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

Arabella, with Catherine Lucas, talks about the benefits of mediation when one is going through the divorce or separation process. 

Family & Parenting
Family Mediation
Catherine Lucas Family Resolution Dispute Practioner

Catherine, with Arabella Joseph, talks about the benefits of mediation when one is going through the divorce or separation process. 


Family & Parenting
Supporting children through the change of divorce and separation
Collett Smart Child Psychologist

Collett talks about co-parenting and supporting children through the divorce process and beyond.

Family & Parenting
Psychology Parenting +1
Recognising and processing grief
Coral Osborne Psychologist

Coral talks about how to recognise and process grief when going through the divorce and separation process.

The importance of our breath
Danielle Williams Yoga teacher and wellness expert

Danielle explains how healing comes about through focusing on our breath and processing our emotions.

Presenter of Survive and Thrive Through Divorce Summit
Jan Holland Divorce and Relationship Breakup Coach

Jan elicits from each of the speakers, who are experts in their field, valuable knowledge to support and empower women going through the divorce and separation process.

Identifying and understanding the effects of trauma
Joan Washington Specialist trainer and educator

Joan talks to Jan about the effects of trauma and how one can learn to regulate their emotions. 

Co-parenting - Don't Forget the Children
Larissa Dann Parent Educator

Do you worry about how to handle different rules in different households? How to communicate respectfully with the other carer of your child? This presentation reminds us to think from our child's point of view, and will discuss communication skills to help parents help their children, particularly during those difficult times that crop up in separated families. 

Special needs for over 50s going through divorce
Lisa Wagner Principal Doolan Wagner Family Lawyers

Lisa talks with Jan about the special needs of people over fifty going through divorce and separation. 

The importance of getting financial advice and how to plan for the future.
Louise Sanghera Mortgage and Finance Broker

Louisa talks about the importance of good financial planning and ways to create stability for you and your family.

Financial services
Wealth Financing
Divorce: Kindness in Conflict
Perpetua Kish Director – Balance Family Law

Pepe and Jan talk about a kinder, holistic approach to divorce.

Law / Legal
Divorce Family Wellbeing +1
Daily self-care rituals
Princess R. Laksham Life Coach/ Counsellor/ Therapist

Princess R. Lakshman talks to Jan about daily self-care practices.

The importance of keeping fit
Robert Denmark Personal Fitness Trainer

Rob talks about the importance of managing your physical, mental and emotional health.

The importance of taking control of your finances early on
Sam Kitchen Financial Planning Specialist

Sam speaks about the importance of seeking financial advice at the beginning of the divorce process and the importance of good planning moving forward.

Enhancing your image to be the best version of you.
Tania Teperson Personal/Corporate Image Consultant

Tania talks about working with women wanting to transform their lives and reflect their authenticity through their own unique style.