Rocking Online Visibility Summit
Rocking Online Visibility Summit
Created 2 years 3 months ago
Organizer Cindy J Holbrook
Rocking Online Visibility Summit
Timezone: Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Fri, Feb 24, 2023 5:00 PM (2 years 1 month ago)


The Rocking Online Visibility Summit is for coaches, authors, speakers, and online business owners.

If you have a list of 3,000 or more, with this target audience, you are invited to speak.

I'm looking for people with expertise in Visibility, Influence, and Profits for online business owners. This includes writing books, speaking, social media, websites, email, and general marketing tips. Let me know if you're interested!

As a speaker, you agree to:

  1. Show up 10 minutes a head of your scheduled speaking time
  2. Send two solo emails to your list
  3. Send at least three social media posts

As your host, I agree to:

  1. Help you shine as a guest
  2. Provide all swipe copy, including individual graphics
  3. Promote the summit via email and across all my social media platforms

Combined we will reach over 150,000 people.

Cindy J, The Visibility Wiz

(928) 379-3254

Top 3 Mistakes That Cost You Time, Money and Energy! and how to avoid them ...
Cindy J Holbrook The Visibility Wiz

You'll discover ...

  • What sets you apart and how to stand out from the crowd and create a community of raving fans
  • ​A simple way to identify and relax into your message so that your ideal clients will know, like, and trust you
  • ​How to leverage your online visibility without spending tons of money on SEO or advertising
  • ​A simple strategy to easily create multiple streams of visibility that make people hungry for your products and services
Impact-Driven Strategies for Visibility That Bring Your Ideal Clients!
Stephanie Treasure Online Marketing Strategist

During this presentation, you will discover:

 The tried and true strategy that super-charges your visibility and brings in solid leads
 How to almost instantly establish yourself as an authority figure in a totally authentic way
 How I land new clients who are pre-sold on how I can work with them using this one, well-known strategy

How To Attract Your Ideal Clients To Make Money With Your Podcast
Erik Johnson Podcast Talent Coach

Your content can drive your business by growing your relationships and authority.

During this content-packed presentation, you will…

  • Discover 6 steps to attract your ideal clients and keep your sales pipeline full.
  • Learn why now is the time to leverage your content on one of the fastest growing platform today.
  • Master the 3 challenges that derail most experts in the online space.

You will get case studies, examples, resources and more! Plus, you'll leave with 21 lead magnet ideas to get you started just for showing up!

Business Marketing
Marketing Client Attraction +6
Write Your Book in a Flash with Artificial Intelligence -- ETHICALLY
Dan Janal Book Coach

Artificial Intelligence is the hot topic of the day! How can you take advantage of AI writing tools while still maintaining your integrity and your voice? Come to this session and see how Dan helps his clients outline an entire book in a matter of minutes! Yes, you can use AI and create a book that is original and true to the author's vision. 

Business Leadership +3
Marketing Media +3
How to Scale Your Business and STILL Create Massive Impact and Transformation
Jay Fairbrother The Mastermind Guy

Want to create more life-changing impact from your expertise? And ADD six-figures of recurring revenue to your business in the process? Jay Fairbrother, The Mastermind Guy, shares his strategies around leveraging your most valuable asset… your time, and creating impactful long-term programs that can change lives… just as it did for him. Learn how to get out of the peaks and valleys created with one-on-one coaching or course launches. Discover how anyone can create a Mastermind or similar Hybrid program to scale your business, serve more people and change lives!

Guiding Entrepreneurs Networking to Six Figures and Beyond
Kim Kasparian Success and Growth Coach

3 ways to become the most irresistible, memorable person in the room and online

Uncommon, proven ways to engage so they can be seen, heard and remembered

How to approach networking with a fresh approach that will compel prospects to
want to know more and do business

Look and Feel Great on Video~ Allow Your Gifts to Shine!
Sheryl Bernstein The Creative Muse

Sometimes just the thought of being on video, and worrying that you're not ready or not 'doing it right' can keep you from even starting. And you never allow yourself to be on video...and miss out on a great way to connect with your people.  So they can know you, like you and trust you. Well Sheryl has some wonderful tips to share with you can look, and feel, your best on video.  When you get these things set ahead of time, you can easily focus on your audience...that one person you're speaking to, who loves what you have to offer!  Sheryl Bernstein, The Creative Muse, will inspire you to come out of the shadows, leave your worries at the door, and light up the screen! You'll love these great 'secrets' from the show biz world, to get you set up for on camera/video success and help you shine like a star! It's all about the light.  The light coming toward you, and the light from within!  Allow YOUR gifts to shine.

The Secret To 5x Higher Converting Webiars
Steve Werner Master of Webinars

This blueprint flips the script of bad; boring webinars on its head and shows you:

>>>The Secrets Revealed by a HARVARD STUDY on slides - The biggest mistake that people make with their power point slides and how to easily avoid it. (this will save you a ton of time building your slides as well)

>>> The powerful NLP technique that overcomes your audiences deep seeded objections BEFORE they know they exist (Tony Robbins Built his career on this)

>>> The super simple follow-up email framework that brought in more sales in the 5 days following the live webinar than were made during the live presentation.

Webinars Webinar Training
Power of No! to Say YES to YOU!
Brigette Sobus The Power, Joy and Profits Mentor

Afraid to say no?
Hate to hear no? Trapped in People Pleaser mode?


  • Find out why No has all that power over you, and what to do about it
  • Break free from always 'doing' for everyone else, saying yes to them, even when you don't want to.
  • Take back your time
  • Stop giving away your energy
  • Say yes to you
How to Get More Visibility AND Income with Email Marketing
Ellen Finkelstein Founder, Change the World Marketing

I will explain how to get more engagement, opens, and clicks with the same number of subscribers using techniques you can implement right away. This email marketing formula has gotten me in the top 5 of leaderboards countless times, resulting in both commissions AND great partners being willing to promote me back.

3 Massive Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make That Sabotage Their Business
Kathi Burns 3 Massive Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

You probably became an entrepreneur to use your talents while helping your clients become more successful and live their dream. The problem with growing your business is that as it grows, you run the risk of your clients consuming your schedule and your focus. 

You spend so much time helping your clients that your business suffers due to lack of underlying business systems put into place that support you. 

You end up working inside your business as opposed to working ON your business. When this happens, you go into reaction mode and rush to put a quick fix into place until you have more time to build a better system later.

You have everything it takes to run a successful business, but your business infrastructure does not help you help yourself.

  1. Broken or duplicated systems

    2. Multiple To Do Lists

   3. Piles instead of files

Would you like to know how to eliminate these saboteurs and put things in order? Well, guess what - you are in luck! There is a new system created to solve all of these problems, and it is called ‘The Get It Gone Formula” and you can take this training session for free. 




Stories that Sell: Captivate Your Ideal Clients, Create Powerful Stories and Magnetically Attract People to You and Your Company
Dr. Michele Gunderson Breakthrough Story Expert

Dr. Gunderson shares how to captivate your ideal clients, create powerful stories that magnetically attract people to

you and your company, grow your sales, and have a whole lot more fun running your business! Great stories drive

business. Let’s explore how to perfect yours! Learn: 

  • How a well-told story will move people into action
  • The components that differentiate an empowering versus a disempowering story, and how to stop yourself from confusing people with no coherent story at all
  • The elements of powerful “story form” that will help you land more business
Creating Your Holistic Website Experience(SM)
Patty Fogarty Website Strategist & Copywriter

There’s a bit of an ugly truth about websites. Most are created by people (professionals and DIYers) who do not consider the entirety of a website before launching it. They are often so focused on one thing, the design, the copy, or the coding, that they miss the proverbial forest for the trees. 

But there are many facets of a website that must work together for it to be effective. (Not beautiful, not flashy, not huge—effective.)

Now there’s a new way to approach website creation that is completely unique to you and your business. 

It’s called a Holistic Website ExperienceSM, a journey designed exclusively for your business and your ideal clients.

It’s the result of a combination of many factors, but it all boils down to four vital things.

We’ll break down and explain what each of those things is and how to implement them on your website, so you can get more visitors and get them to say yes to your offers. No need to buy plugins or chase after the latest bright shiny object to make it happen.

Don’t miss this chance to learn about the things you can do to prevent your website from leaking leads!

Business Design +2
Take Charge of Your Feelings in Seconds - For Easier Success
Joanna Armstrong Emotional Success Expert

Improve your feelings, in just a few minutes, or even seconds – so that you can feel at ease, full of joy and truly empowered. Learn the simplest and fastest way to control your mindset so you can be free of any imposter syndroms or sabotaging feelings. Don't let your emotions hinder the success you truly deserve - in your business and at home.

This is for you if you are sick and tired of the exhausting feelings of stress, worry, insecurities and overwhelm that spread in your body in a matter of seconds? Feelings that are slowing you down and putting a damper on your hard earned success. You may even feel secretly ashamed or angry at yourself, that you haven’t been able to resolve the situation on your own, after all this time. But don’t beat yourself up – you are not alone. Learn the best way to take charge of your feelings, for easier success, here in this talk.

Business Leadership +1
Personal Development Mindset +28
Leverage Your Marketing Superpower to Book More Sales Conversations
Sarah Michael Expert of Feminine Sales Power

Understanding your own “Money Making Style” can help you get into the flow of marketing, and book more sales conversations with ease, instead of driving to exhaustion.

Authentic Sales
Why You Should Tell Your Why Story
Janelle Anderson Speaking/Storytelling Mentor for Coaches

Kids love stories, but so do adults. It’s why we watch movies, TV shows, videos. It’s why we read books or listen to audiobooks and podcasts. It’s why we read reviews before we buy something. Stories grab people’s attention and create connection in a much more effective way than only sharing information does. Storytelling is a must-have skill for coaches, experts, and entrepreneurs. The most powerful story you can tell is your “why” story.

In this interview, you will discover:

  • The 5 big benefits to sharing your why story & how it can exponentially grow your business
  • A simple yet profound way to identify your why story & the power of the impact it can make on your ideal audience
  • 3 tips on how to tell your why story in a captivating way

The simple fact is that stories sell. Research shows that people are 20 times more likely to remember your message if you include stories. If you want to be unforgettable to your audience, listening this interview is a no-brainer!

Business Health & Well-being +1
Health Communication +5
5 Secrets to Making Your High-ticket Offer an Easy Yes
Carol Ann DeSimine High-end Offers & Messaging Specialist

In this presentation, Carol Ann shares what makes a high-ticket offer an easy yes for the clients you want to attract. She'll share her 10 Ingredients of an Irresistible Offer as a framework to market any offer, with 5 tips as the icing on the cake that sweetens the pot to make your next-level clients want to invest in themselves through you. 

If you have a high-ticket offer but you're not making the sales you want, it could be you're missing the mark on promising what your future clients really want, and she'll show you what to include in your messaging that communicates value. She'll also share the 3 biggest mistakes that most entrepreneurs make when trying to ‘fix’ an offer that's not selling.

Grow & Scale Your Business Faster With 1 Key Skill that You Must Master
Anna Wolfman CEO & Community Curator

When you try to build and grow your business all on your own, you’re spending too much time and energy wearing all the hats and doing things you shouldn’t be doing. This comes at the expense of your focusing on the key strategic and revenue-generating priorities that will catapult your business forward.

Time is money. If you want to build a successful, thriving business, you need to step into your CEO role and find ways to get help. Whether that’s by hiring employees, outsourcing to contractors, or doing a skill exchange – the number one skill you will have to master is effective delegation.

This training will cover the why, when, what, and how to start delegating effectively so that you could get time back, focus on your zone of genius, get the help you need, and build a successful business faster. 

Business Marketing +2
Networking Business Scaling +5
Are Your Clothes Costing You Sales?
Amy Janece Image Consultant and Stylist

Discover …

  • How you may be hiding in plain sight and what to do to shine instead.
  • What your clothes are saying before you ever open your mouth to speak.
  • 3 Myths about the clothes you wear (one of them will blow your mind because we've all been taught it)
Build Your Brand in Bits & Bytes on LinkedIn
Dumont Owen, Ph.D. Master Personal/Digital Brand Strategist


Are you a coach, consultant, or professional/personal service provider who wants to get more clients in record time? You must be on LinkedIn! 


Over 80% of leads that come from social media come from LinkedIn, and LinkedIn members are more affluent than those on other social media platforms. That means that they not only can appreciate your premium programs, but they can also afford them. 


The fastest way to get clients using LinkedIn is by promoting a powerful professional brand. And that’s exactly what this presentation is all about.


You’ll learn the three characteristics of a powerful brand, how to build your brand in three steps and a three stage process for promoting your brand on LinkedIn.


Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the strategies and tactics that will attract, engage, and convert contacts to clients using the social media platform known worldwide as the place to build sustainable business success!

Marketing Media
Social Media Entrepreneurship +1
20 Easy Ways to Create Irresistible Speaking Presentation Titles
Jackie Lapin Founder of SpeakerTunity, The Speaker & Leader Resource Company and Expert at Helping Leaders Get Booked

One of the most under-rated factors in how often and where leaders get booked to speak is the quality of their presentation title! You can be a stellar speaker, but if your title isn’t compelling, you’ll find it hard to get booked…

Have you struggled with writing titles? 

Crafting a great talk title is an art! 

But anyone can do it with these 20 simple speaking title formulas to pick from!

A Revolutionary Approach to Attracting & Converting High-End Clients!
Eva Gregory Business Success Mentor

Are you ready to revolutionize your approach to attracting and converting high-end clients? Join us as we explore the groundbreaking concept of the Divine Client Spectrum™, learn what really defines a high-end client beyond their ability to pay, and how to attract and work with them in a way that feels easy and effortless. Get ready to elevate your business and attract clients with ease.

Client Attraction
Your Marketing Masterplan: How to Get the Most Out of Your Marketing Dollars
Nicki Chang-Powless Client Attraction Specialist

One of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs is understanding which are the best marketing activities for them – there are too many to choose from! The bigger question is how do you choose the ones that will give the best return on your marketing investment.

At this session, you will:

  • Uncover the 3 critical steps to getting the most out of your marketing dollars
  • Discover the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when it comes to attracting more clients.
  • Explore ways to reach a larger audience.

Come find out how to be effective with your marketing and attract more of your ideal clients!

Business Leadership +2
Marketing Advertising +16
The Top 5 Video Rookie Mistakes
Sarah Michelle Brown Your Virtual Video Director

Getting comfy on camera doesn’t happen by accident. Nor is it only for the chosen few who have endless charisma and no fear of putting themselves out there. Listen in and discover the top 5 mistakes entrepreneurs make when they first start their journey of putting themselves out there via video. Stop wasting your time and energy. Start making videos the right way.

Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential: Discover the 3 Strategic Principles for Unprecedented Success
Dan LeFave Business Coach

Do you struggle to manage your time and resources as an entrepreneur?

Imagine if you had control and used… 

  1. Selective attention: focus on critical tasks and avoid distractions
  2. Strategic ignorance: ignore irrelevant details for quick decision-making
  3. Totalitarian principle: control over mistakes happening

Applying these concepts helps entrepreneurs achieve their goals efficiently.

Imagine having control and…

  • Prioritize tasks
  • Mindfully consume information
  • Handle mistakes faster and make improvements

Join our presentation to learn how to apply these concepts to your entrepreneurial journey.

Personal Development Personal Growth +3
The 4 Stages Every Entrepreneur Should Get On and How to Maximize Each One
Kimberly Crowe Founder and CEO

2 things you must know before you step on stage

4 types of speaking opportunities

How to Maximize the stage opportunities you get

Get Visible with Guerrilla Publicity
Jill Lublin 4x Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Master Publicity Strategist

If you want to be the #1 influencer in your industry, you’ve got to get bigger media visibility. Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill shares simple strategies to help you go from unknown to newsworthy. Sharing her proven secrets to understanding what the media wants, Jill provides you with short-term, doable tactics that boost visibility for you and your brand.

  • Proven secrets to understand what the media outlets want
  • Get instant, actionable techniques that will boost your visibility.
  • Learn how to drive prospects to your door and profits to your pockets!


Now more than ever it’s important to stretch your message so that your visibility factor stays constant. Join publicity expert Jill Lublin as she shares new powerful tips and strategies to shine your light and your message now and no matter what!

The Magnetic Speaker - Turn Your Visibility Into Paying Clients
Monique Mcdonald McDonald Magnetic Voice Mentor

We are living in a time when we need strong voices of experts and leaders more than ever. What if you could stand in your power and speak with an authority and magnetism that could draw ideal clients and audience members to you with ease?  What if you could walk into any room and predict how you would sound and  be perceived? Once you have acquired these skills, you will be able to go into any room, any situation and create the know, like and trust factor that turns visibility into paying clients.  It is my passion to help leaders, speakers and authors activate their magnetism, confidence and power so they will be ready to inspire, engage and move people into action.


Business Leadership +1
Abundance Audience Rapport +1
Top 3 Myths Limiting Your Business Growth and what You can do about it!
Denise Toffey Financial Identity Strategist

During this presentation you will discover:

  1. Societies influence that contributes to some Womenpreneur's challenges being harder than others (And it's not what you think!)
  2. The truth about the Comfort Zone Conversation
  3. The Essential element most businesses' lack that creates confusion and overwhelm that doesn't need to be there!

Every one of us were born to be successful. And so many Womenpreneurs are directed to just jump right on that ladder to get to the top. But how many times do we get to the top only to find that we weren't on the ladder we were meant for and the ladder we were on was up against the wrong wall.

Alignment of the right ladder on the right wall is key to the Most enthusiastic Visibility. That’s the ME I want the world to receive. How about You?

Business Education +3
Interview Ready
Brenda Adelman Story Siren

You're going to discover how to be CAPTIVATING in your interviews by combining the right story for impact with the tools us professional actors know and use to stand out, connect with your audiences and attract your ideal clients.

Leadership Marketing +3
Marketing Storytelling +24
Expert Messaging Secrets That Fill Programs & Calendars With Clients!
Alexis Caldicott Messaging & Copy Consultant

Everything in business starts with having the right message.  However, many business owners struggle to get client’s because their message is clumsy, unclear & lacks urgency.  


This interactive & engaging presentation will show you how you can master your message & speak directly to what your prospects need to hear so they will seek YOU out and easily say, “YES! I want to work with you.” 


During this training, Alexis will share:

=> #1 Way To Create A Message That is Unique & True To Only YOU!

=> How to Magnetize Your Ideal Clients & Weed Out Tire Kickers.

=> Five Questions Your Message MUST Answer To Earn The Sale.

=> One Simple Marketing Technique That Can Increase Sales Over 67%. 

=> How to Strategically Guide Your Audience From Strangers To Paying Clients.

Digital Marketing Copywriting +4
How to Get High Value Clients Without the Constant Struggle
Steve Eriksen Founder and CEO

There IS an easier way to build your prospect list and your client base. Steve will share with you a powerful strategy and SYSTEM to get results with minimal effort.

Business Marketing +2
Internet Communication +12