Caring Culture Summit
Caring Culture Summit
Created 6 months 1 week ago
Organizer Dannella Burnett
Caring Culture Summit
Business Areas
Bullying Business Culture Corporate Culture Culture Parenting Teens People and Culture Schools
Timezone: Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Tue, Sep 10, 2024 5:00 PM (1 month 1 week ago)


The Caring Culture Summit is an extraordinary platform for leaders who are passionate about cultivating compassion and empathy in schools, businesses, and communities. As a speaker, you'll have the opportunity to share your knowledge and strategies on creating supportive environments where everyone feels valued. This summit brings together like-minded individuals who are dedicated to making a positive impact on a global scale. By applying, you’ll not only amplify your voice but also inspire others to join this vital movement.

Be a catalyst for change—apply now to speak at the Caring Culture Summit!

Basement to Broadway - Don't Let Bullies Rob You of Your Future
Bari Baumgartner Owner of SAGE Event Management, Inc

Bari will show how the decisions you make today determine who you will be in 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months, and 6 years from now.

The Inspiration Behind Why B.I.O.N.I.C. was Started
Brandy Brewer B.I.O.N.I.C. Alum

Brandy Brewer was a freshman at Green Mountain High School. At the beginning of that school year at GM there were 3 students at a table in an art class. Just three months later only one student was left at that table, and kids started asking her, “When are you gonna kill yourself?” Brandy Brewer was that student, and after losing four friends to suicide in 8 months, Brandy even got to the point of thinking about suicide too. Sandy Austin was Brandy’s school counselor and kept in touch with Brandy as she navigated the next three years of high school in the aftermath of the loss of her friends. Brandy’s perseverance and resilience was the inspiration behind Sandy starting the B.I.O.N.I.C. Team to empower kids in how to reach out to hurting peers. Brandy has gone on to be a trusted friend of her peers not hesitating to dive deep into the pain of her friends to walk alongside them through the darkest days of their lives. Brandy Brewer is a hero to so many and a great role model of what a true friend is.

The Need for B.I.O.N.I.C. in the World Today

I met Sandy Austin on Clubhouse during COVID as she was pitching about B.I.O.N.I.C. I was captivated immediately about how B.I.O.N.I.C. is empowering kids to care and show struggling peers that they are seen, they matter, and they are not alone. Our kids of today are struggling and it is inspiring to see the movement that B.I.O.N.I.C. has created worldwide over the last 20 years to create more caring cultures in schools while preventing bullying and suicides.

The Power of the Spoken Word
Dr. Angie Paccione Executive Director, CO Dept of Higher Ed

Everyone has potential to be great - the best expression of themselves. It is up to us to create the conditions that will help to ”activate” potential in every interaction, every day. One way is through the power of the spoken word. This presentation will show you how!

Best Self
Permission to Succeed!
Forbes Riley Queen of the Perfect Pitch

Time to master your message, perfect YOUR pitch and get everything in life you ever dreamed of!

How B.I.O.N.I.C. Helped Me Deal With the Suicide of a Friend and Learn How to Empower My Friends to Make a Difference in Our World.
Gage Crispe Strategic Event Producer and Speaker Support Services

Gage Crispe was living a great life as a high school football player not paying attention to much going on around him. Then one day one of his best frinds ended her life by suicide. Gage was rocked to his core, and to help deal with the grief he and his friends hosted a fundraiser for a local suicide prevention organization. Sandy Austin, his school counselor attended the fundraiser to support the kids. Hearing Gage talk about his fiend and seeing his hurting friends, Sandy invited Gage to join the B.I.O.N.I.C. Team knowing that the healing from loss can be helped in reaching out to other hurting people. Gage quickly immersed himself in B.I.O.N.I.C. with a friend who was already a B.I.O.N.I.C. Leader. Gage will share how his Mom said, “Gage you weren’t a very nice person before B.I.O.N.I.C.” Gage will share his experience with B.I.O.N.I.C. and how it opened doors to develop compassion and leadership skills. That ended up in Gage getting awards and scholarships to go to his dream school, that set him up to become a great leader all his life and continue making a difference in the world.

Cimarron Middle School's B.I.O.N.I.C. Team
Jill Bull Middle School Counselor

What BIONIC can look like at the middle school level.  

  • 17 years of ideas
  • Starting your program
  • Easy steps to success
Alumni Panel #1
Killian von Holdt Alumni

Alumni Panel #1

How to S.H.I.N.E.
Kim Walsh Phillips Founder

In this talk, you will discover how to: 
- Set your eye on any dream destination you want. 

--Have patience…constancy is key. 

-- Inspire and be inspired by positive and successful people. 

--Never give up.

-- Enjoy the journey. 

The Gift of a Heart Centered Message
Kristy Hunter The Vocal Empowerment Coach

As a songwriter and vocal empowerment coach, Kristy empowers her clients to connect with their emotions as they prepare their speeches and songs so that their presentation takes their audience on an emotion journey connected to the true heart of their message. Because our audience hears what we are feeling not what we are saying.

Education Marketing
You were BUILT for such a TIME as THIS
Krystylle Richardson Wealth Innovation Srategist

In life, there are things that we think were meant to break us, that were actually meant to BUILD us.  During this talk, I will go into some of my life's stories and draw some uniquely designed parallels on how we can all use every single thing that has happened to us, to build us. I will talk about a little shy girl from Flint Michigan who had a dream that was snuffed out, but was then rekindled fueled by 3 driving principles. 

We will uncover how to make a masterpiece out of any situation the world gives us.  We will discuss how you can teach yourself how to go from fearful to fearless, from surviving to thriving, and from being constipated to being catapulted into creativity to cashflow…and yes I said constipated lol! 

Let's do this, as you help me to fulfill one of my mottos of “no legacy unreached.” Let's go!

Business Education +5
Technology Media +4
Why Believe It Or Not I Care (BIONIC) is Successful for Establishing a Culture of Compassion!
Lauren Jones School Counselor Champion&CTE Ambassador

This pre-recorded brief session will help spark the fire for investing in, supporting and adopting the BIONIC state of mind. 

The Kindness Culture
Linda Evans Shepherd Author & CEO Advanced Writers Speakers

Join Linda for a heartfelt look at how kindness can make a real difference in our lives. Linda will explore simple, everyday ways to spread compassion that can strengthen relationships and bring people closer together. Discover how small acts of kindness can create a more caring and connected community around you.

How I Made $1 million Dollars at 18 years old...
Makenna Riley Expert Digital Marketer
  • Makenna Riley's story to success
  • How she helped her mom
  • Her passion for her work
  • Her mission to help people get their dreams out to the world with GSD
  • How you can work with her
How B.I.O.N.I.C. Can Partner with a PTA/PTO Parent Organization to Reach the Most Kids
Marchel Ray

Being a parent of 2 kids at Green Mountain High School, Marchel Ray was the PTA President when the B.I.O.N.I.C. Team was started there after 4 suicides. Marchel was instrumental in getting B.I.O.N.I.C. grants from PTA to help get the program established the first several years. She recruited other parents to be involved in supporting B.I.O.N.I.C. in various capacities too. Once her kids graduated, Marchel continued to provide support to B.I.O.N.I.C. She shares, “Being a part of this organization and seeing what it did to change the culture at a high school, it was so important to keep it going.” 

When B.I.O.N.I.C. became a nonprofit, Marchel was one of the first people recruited to be on the Board of Directors. She has helped coordinate B.I.O.N.I.C. community outreaches to the local police department in collaborations with the Boy Scouts and the local Optimist Club. In addition, she has helped with getting donations to provide blessing bags to a homeless group for distribution. She also helped coordinate the B.I.O.N.I.C. 10/10 – I Care Day rallies. 

Marchel’s leadership skills along with being the Office Manager of American Liberty Mortgage for nearly 20 years, she has a kind spirit that lives the “BIONIC” way each day, even in her workplace. All who know her will say she has a passion for B.I.O.N.I.C. and BELIEVE IT OR NOT I CARE is also her personal motto in many ways.  It is not uncommon for someone in need of that message, she finds a way to make that person feel cared for at just the right time. 

Navigating the Future: The Evolving Landscape of School Counseling in Colorado
Matthew McClain Executive Director - CSCA

Join us for an insightful presentation by the Executive Director of the Colorado School Counselor Association, who will provide a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of school counseling across the state. This session will delve into the evolving roles and responsibilities of school counselors, highlighting how recent developments and policy changes are shaping the profession.

Key topics include:

  • Current Trends and Challenges: Explore the latest trends in school counseling and the challenges faced by counselors in addressing the diverse needs of students.
     Policy Updates: Gain insight into recent legislative and policy changes impacting school counseling and how they influence practices and priorities.
  • Best Practices: Learn about effective strategies and best practices for enhancing the impact of school counseling programs.
  • Future Directions: Discover the future directions for school counseling in Colorado, including upcoming initiatives, potential reforms, and opportunities for professional growth.

This presentation is essential for school counselors, educational leaders, and stakeholders interested in understanding the dynamic nature of school counseling and how to better support student success in Colorado’s educational landscape.

The Need for B.I.O.N.I.C. - A View on the National Landscape in Schools
Perri Rosen

Dr. Perri Rosen is a consulting psychologist at the Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) at the Department of Human Services (DHS) in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  She is also Pennsylvania licensed psychologist, Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP), and a Pennsylvania certified special educator.  At DHS-OMHSAS, Dr. Rosen has helped lead several youth mental health initiatives, many of which have focused on schools and cross-systems collaboration.  

Empowering Kids to Care
Sandy Austin Executive Director - B.I.O.N.I.C. Team

Learn how schools are empowering students to care and change their school culture. The B.I.O.N.I.C. Team (Believe It Or Not I Care), an international award-winning school club in elementary schools through college prevent bullying and suicides by inspiring and empowering students to create caring school cultures by letting struggling peers know they are seen, they matter, and they are not alone. B.I.O.N.I.C. students reach out to peers who are new, sick, hospitalized, bullied, or have lost a loved one. Now businesses, organizations, churches, and communities are starting to do B.I.O.N.I.C. outreaches too because they have people in their realm who are new, sick, hospitalized, or who lose loved ones too. Twenty years ago kids started the B.I.O.N.I.C. movement and have a dream of creating a more caring world among kids and adults alike!

BIONIC School Advisor Panel
Shantel Diego & B.I.O.N.I.C. School Advisor Panel School Counsellor

BIONIC School Advisor Panel

The Need for B.I.O.N.I.C. – A View from on the National Landscape in Schools
Stephen Sharp Strategic Event Producer and Speaker Support Services

Stephen Sharpe is a national leader serviing on the Board of Directors of the American School Counselor Association and as Chair of the Pennsylvania SChoool Cousnelors Association. He has a pulse on what is happening across America in the midst of the CDC findings that absenteeism and lack of student engagement is skyrocketing in schools. A big reason is a lack of belonging and connectedness that students are feeling today along with the fact that suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth. Steve has always been a supporter of B.I.O.N.I.C. and will share how he sees B.I.O.N.I.C. Teams in schools playing a vital role in creating caring cultures in schools.

B.I.O.N.I.C.’s Value in the Community from a Business Perspective
Tami Bandimere Community Relations Director

The Green Mountain High School community in Lakewood, Colorado was devastated after the suicides of four students in eight months, and GMHS started being called the “Death School.” Then the community started hearing of pies being delivered by kids on the B.I.O.N.I.C. Team to families who lost loved ones. When kids were missing school, get well packets showed up in their mail. Kids in the hospital were visited by peers. A sense of care and compassion started by the students spread as they wanted to reach out to other schools experiencing tragedy too. Then Green Mountain started being called the “Caring School” because of the B.I.O.N.I.C. outreaches.

The transformation in the community was described by Heather Boston, an English Teacher, “As a teacher at GM for the past 13 years, I can say that I have seen a dramatic change in the climate of our school and there is no doubt in my mind that it is because of the B.I.O.N.I.C. Team…B.I.O.N.I.C. has taught our student population about humanity, about how to show they care, and how to trust that others truly do care about them.