The Entrepreneurial Edge: Driving Growth With Everyday Excellence
The Entrepreneurial Edge: Driving Growth With Everyday Excellence
Created 11 months 3 weeks ago
Organizer Dan Kapellen
The Entrepreneurial Edge: Driving Growth With Everyday Excellence
Business Areas
Timezone: Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Tue, Mar 26, 2024 6:00 PM (10 months 3 weeks ago)


The Entrepreneurial Edge: Driving Growth With Everyday Excellence

This event is an amazing opportunity to get seen and heard.  LIVE and ONLINE!   This is an event to help entrepreneurs get their business to the next level. 

The Changing Face of Addiction
Adrienne Tichy Co-Owner/Creative Director, Podcast Host

In today's modern technological society, addiction is more than just drugs or alcohol.  We now have behavioral addictions such as gaming, porn, shopping, eating or gambling.  The face of addiction has already changed.  Almost every is aware of the Fentanyl crisis, but how many of you would know who to call, who to trust when addiction comes calling.  Join Adrienne Tichy, a Recovery Advocate who created a Recovery Residence Community with her husband Jim in 2008, as she talks about what addiction looks like today and what we can do to change the face of recovery as well.

Before you think this might not be for you, be aware that addiction affects 10% of people across the board, with more suffering with co-occuring disorders.  There were more health in 2023 from overdose than Covid.  We need to be prepared, nit scared.

I look forward to talking about the solution and help those who need it move forward with a life they love.

Health & Well-being
Developing your identity
Teach, Touch, Transform: Webinars & Workshops for On-Demand Profits
Al Jensen Speak to Sell Talent Developer

Don't rely on other peoples stages, create your own stage and build your own audiences to Teach, Touch & Transform: Use Webinars, Workshops and Masterclasses to create On-Demand Profits. You'll learn why and how to get started taking control of your own business building destiny

7 Essential Videos for Explosive Growth
Andrea Stenberg Video Marketing Strategist

1. **Introduction to the Power of Video**
- The rising importance of video in the digital marketing landscape.
- Statistical insights on video marketing effectiveness.

2. The Authority Matrix
Moving from generic to authority content

4. How to leverage video for growth
- Incorporating strong calls-to-action in videos.
- Strategies for using video content to drive sales and conversions.

5. **Enhancing On-Camera Presence**
- Tips for building confidence and authenticity on camera.

Lead generation through relationship building
Brenda Marie Sheldrake Lead Generation Strategist

1. Leads and Prospects the Difference - What do you really want???
2. Why relationship building is one of the best strategies to generate qualified leads
3. How to generate qualified leads through relationship building
4. Know Like and Trust it doesn't happen in one call 

5 FB Ad Secrets: Proven Strategies For Maximizing ROI & Profits
Carlene Kelsey Online Business Strategist & Ad Manager

I'll cover what is required to get started with Paid FB and IG Ads as well as outline the 5 Ad Steps needed to set up the most profitable, effective & impactful ads. Learn why my clients ( solopreneurs, authors, real estate professionals, photographers, small businesses etc.) selected paid ads for growth opportunities with expanded audiences using affordable FB and IG advertising.

The 3 Pillars of Success Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know
Carrie Wallis Founder - Confident Prosperity

They will learn the importance of creating genuine connections, the secret ingredient most entrepreneurs miss and how the weeds in their mind can stall their progress, and what to do about it.

It Could Be Time To Start Listening To Your Body!
Christine Lennips Herbalist and Well-Being Expert

Getting at the root cause of some common health symptoms that could be interfering with your home and business life 
-Some simple health tips to have more energy in your day 
-How certain body systems are involved with your energy levels and health concerns

5 Keys To Getting Affiliates To Promote Your Offers On Autopilot
Chuck Anderson Affiliate Management Expert

Unlock the secrets to a lucrative affiliate program with Chuck Anderson, an expert with over two decades in affiliate management. In this essential talk, we'll dive into the 5 Keys to Running a Highly-Profitable Affiliate Program, tailored for entrepreneurs eager to amplify their success. Imagine what it would be like if you had a network of affiliates that will fill your events & sell your products every single month.

Business Marketing +1
Marketing Digital Marketing +6
GEAR Up For Success In 12 Weeks Or Less For Squirrely Entrepreneurs
Consuela Munoz Speaker & Productivity Expert

Your leaders will take away the importance of understanding their natural leadership strengths. How to use the three-point CEO Way to build their confidence as a strengths-based leader, whether they lead an organization, a team, or their own career or business. Increasing their confidence to the point there is no room for doubt, no room for imposter syndrome. Showing how confident leaders attract the best to their teams.

Productivity Time Management
Discover Three People Who Will Help You Succeed
Dan Kapellen Strategy Architect

Master this simple mindset to strengthen your influence and build relationships.

Flip the Page, Your Audience Will 'Experience' Your Value
Dave Howard eLearning Re-evolutionary

Digital flipbooks stimulate deeper conversations
Attract your audience with a tool that interrupts their scrolling to engage with your message, 
You are crafting a conversation – your audience will want to come back
They have a reason to share it
Users intuitively understand how to use it
Navigation is open and users control it
Everything works on all their devices
You can easily build it without programmers

Building Community and Belonging
Dea Irby The Belonging Expert

1) the need for belonging
2) a 5-facet strategy for creating a culture of belonging
3) practical suggestions for application of the 5-facet strategy"

How to Avoid Newbie Mistakes for Newer Coaches
Deepak Saini Masters Coach

Why you don’t need to be Perfect to get started
What is a good use of your money
How to use your time wisely

Key Strategies for Organizing a Winning Launch
Elisa Boogaerts Launch Manager

1. How to put your launch plan together
2. Set up your business for less stress and move success
3. Metrics that Matter: Tracking your launch for ongoing success"

3 Secrets to THRIVE for Entrepreneurs
Helle Brodie Business Success Expert

As entrepreneurs, its easy to be totally consumed by your business.
Understand the 3 critical concepts to master so you can THRIVE as an entrepreneur: having a successful business AND a life that you love.

In Tune On Track
Janice Steinbach The Wise Growth Coach

Personal Boundary Questions: Is it mine? Is it mine now? Is it under my control?

Achieving Balance: How Competency-Based Hiring Creates Growth and Saves Your Sanity
Jeff Griffiths Co-Founder and VP, Advisory Services

A look at the key factors in moving to competency-based hiring, how to go through the steps, and some tools that entrepreneurs can apply right away to get rapidly find, hire, and onboard the skills they need for growth

The Expert's Dilemmas: Why smart people struggle to shine
Kachina Gosselin Course Creation Expert

I speak about the Expert's Dilemmas: why smart people struggle to do what they know they should be doing. It's often not that you don't know what it is that you need to do, but the struggle to get it done despite the endless to-do lists. 

Participants will walk away: 
1. Knowing the core challenges that have to be overcome (hint: it's more psychology than strategy & tactics)
2. Understanding that these dilemmas impacts experts more than most, and that no creator that you admire has not faced these dilemmas themselves
3. The next steps you can take today to accomplish your goals faster

Kick Off Call with Dan Kapellen, Yvonne McCoy, Kimberly Crowe and Consuela Munoz
Kick Off Call Speaker|Biz Coach|Productive Observer

Learn who, why, and how 3 types of people will make a huge difference regardless of your business category.

Discover simple formulas for remembering how to create, nurture and get the most out of new relationships when you meet these people.

Profitably Speaking: The 4 categories of speaking opportunities and how to profit from each one
Kimberly Crowe Founder and CEO

The 4 categories of speaking opportunities and how to profit from each one

3 Easy Steps From Clutter to Cash Flow - Remove the Barriers to your Bottom Line!
Kitti Andrews Chief Decluttering Officer
  • WHY mental and physical clutter undermines your energy, finances, and ultimately your business’ bottom line
  • HOW to reorganize your space and brain without getting overwhelmed by the process
  • HOW to maintain your newly organized space for maximum mental clarity, productivity and business success
Smart Scaling
Lady Jen Du Plessis The Smart Scaling Architect

How do I improve my bottom line?

Delve into Lady Jen's expert processes and strategies designed to elevate your bottom

line, scale your business, and achieve increased profitability. Gain invaluable clarity

and streamline your company for sustained success.

Business Financial services
Personal Development Personal Growth +6
Find Your Voice: An Entrepreneur's Guide Fearless Self-Promotion and Business Growth.
Leslie C Fiorenzo Business Presentation Coach

Are you an entrepreneur struggling with self-promotion, camera shyness, or networking anxiety? Look no further! Let me be your guide to discover the secrets to fearless self-promotion, empowering you to conquer camera shyness and master the art of networking with confidence. Get ready to learn the magic of crafting an authentic personal story that connects with clients and propels your business to new heights. You'll gain actionable insights and practical tips to elevate your business with everyday excellence.  

Business Leadership +2
Networking Public Speaking +1
3 Mistakes to Overcome for Lasting Love
Melva Johnson Marriage/Relationship Counselor and Coac

Let’s face it. Living under the same roof with another human being can be difficult. 


Because after the honeymoon stage of the relationship fades, couples begin to see a version of each other that either they didn’t see in the beginning or they saw them and tolerated them.

This version is revealed as annoying, frustrating or hurtful behaviors that have a negative impact on the other.

That negative impact triggers negative feelings in the other followed by a negative reaction. .

What happens next in many cases is some kind of conflict like an argument or one of both giving the other the silent treatment. Sometimes couples don’t talk to each other for days when that happens.

Nothing gets resolved, negative feelings simmer beneath the surface until the next time either partner is annoyed, frustrated or hurt.

What if it doesn’t have to be that way?

The good news is it doesn’t.

What if these couples knew what it would take to turn things around by getting to the root of their frustrations and work together to work things through and get on the path to lasting love.

Knowing what needs to be done is the first step.

With that in mind, I am inviting you to join me to discover “3 Common Mistakes Couples Need to Overcome” to get on the path for lasting love.

This presentation is for couples who still love each other, but often get stuck in frustrations or conflict, sometimes about the same issue over and over.

I will share what needs to be addressed to overcome the problems beneath the surface so that the challenges become opportunities to get on the path to lasting love.

What couples will discover:
• 3 common mistakes couples make that sabotage lasting love. 
• 3 basic action steps that need to be taken to overcome the sabotage.
• What is needed to bridge the gap where couples are to where they want to be.

Knowing what has to be done to correct these mistakes is the first step toward the path for change toward lasting love.

Panel Discussion with Dan Kapellen, Yvonne McCoy and some of the speakers
Panel Discussion Speaker|Biz Coach|Productive Observer

Learn who, why, and how 3 types of people will make a huge difference regardless of your business category.

Discover simple formulas for remembering how to create, nurture and get the most out of new relationships when you meet these people.

Start With The End In Mind: Keys to Building Lasting Value
Patricia Dent Start Up To Exit Coach

My presentation, “Start With The End In Mind: Keys to Creating Lasting Value” outlines the need to identify a direction and path for our businesses as we start and grow them. That includes identifying an ultimate goal for our business: whether it's to sell, pass along to our family, bring in partners, fund our retirement – or fund another business). It also includes building lasting value. 

While we design a business around the needs of our ideal customers, we also need to create a business that has value for us and our eventual needs, whether that means growing the business, funding our later years, or starting a new passion project.

We'll outline the key steps that will keep us grounded in increasing both the effectiveness and the value of our businesses as it grows.

The Path to Profitability: Be Systematic Before Investing in Systems
Robert Ruder Chief Everything Officer

Small Business owners are confronted by a dizzying array of offers that say they can deliver leads, growth, or profitability. What most of those offers do not tell you is that buying someone else's system does not mean that your business will benefit. The million dollar launch “system” actually pays out most of the revenue collected to large lists managed by influencers that have been pouring promotional money into getting people to sign up. 

When building your digital business, what's more important than someone else's results is whether you do something consistently. Any system can work. But, it is the system that you apply yourself to daily that will yield the best results.

Justin Welsh is almost half way to his goal of building a $10 million revenue business as a solopreneur. But he didn't do it by investing in all kinds of programs, affiliates, and other outside influencers. He did it by getting up and posting on LinkedIn every day. 


Justin was SYSTEMATIC before he invested in Systems.


There is a way to invest $0 in systems and still grow your monthly recurring revenue (MRR) while achieving your profitability goals. We'll have a conversation about that.

Business Education +2
Business Growth The Power of Systems +1
Make Money Not Mistakes: Three Microstrategies That Really Work to Make Profits
Sharon Galluzzo Profit Growth Strategists

Business owners are often caught in "shiny object syndrome" or constantly running after the next big thing. The real secret to having a thriving and profitable business is much smaller and easier to achieve: Microstrategies. Small changes done at the right time in the right order set up your business for success. 

My Million Dollar Look Formula
Tessa Gray Image and Design Expert

First Impressions are the only thing you never get a 2nd chance at. 
Image and Income 
Captivate with Colour 
Your Image online and on camera 

Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneurial Superhero: A Comedic Journey to Business Excellence with Toni Kaufman
Toni Kaufman Producer, Speaker, Project Mgr

Join Toni Kaufman, your favorite happy entrepreneur extraordinaire, for a hilarious and insightful journey into the world of business excellence. In this 20-minute talk, Toni will share her top tips and tricks for driving growth, mastering leadership, and navigating the wild ride of entrepreneurship. 
Get ready to laugh, learn, and unleash your inner entrepreneurial superhero at the Entrepreneurial Edge Summit! Plus, sign up for the free webinar: The Paid Gig Accelerator with Toni and Orly Amor, scheduled for March 27. You will be amazed at what you will learn and get 5 amazing tools and resources for your speaking career just for showing up!

Business Marketing +6
Leadership Leadership, Mental Performance +3
Powerful Parents Produce Powerful Readers
Willa Doreen LeBlancq "Wholistic" Reading Specialist

* Parent power in doctor, teacher & principal visits
* "Wholistic" Assessment & Reading Assessment
* Power of Learning Styles in individualizing reading programs to ROCKETEER your child's reading

Wrap Up Call
Wrap Up Call Speaker|Biz Coach|Productive Observer

Learn who, why, and how 3 types of people will make a huge difference regardless of your business category.

Discover simple formulas for remembering how to create, nurture and get the most out of new relationships when you meet these people.

Productivity A.H.E.A..D 5 Easy Steps That Will Get You Immediate Results!
Yvonne McCoy Speaker|Biz Coach|Productive Observer

Do you find yourself grappling with unmet goals and productivity, only to realize it's not just about managing time? You need a transformative approach to productivity that goes beyond conventional methods.

Are you ready to shift your productivity paradigm through a simple process that consistently delivers tangible results? My 5-step A.H.E.A.D. framework equips you to navigate constant change with ease. 

They are not what you think about them:

This method not only enhances your professional endeavors but also enriches your personal journey. As you embark on your journey of empowerment, you'll discover that the familiar skills and perspectives may no longer suffice.

TIt all starts with aligning with your purpose and merging it with situational awareness for powerful results, enabling you to experience everyday excellence. The next step awaits, beckoning you to take the lead and shape your success story. Are you ready to seize it?"