8 Celebrating Authors Series: Author Success Topics pt 2 - Season 1
8 Celebrating Authors Series: Author Success Topics pt 2 - Season 1
Created 1 year 11 months ago
Organizer Marilyn McLeod
8 Celebrating Authors Series: Author Success Topics pt 2 - Season 1
Business Areas
Business Entertainment & Art
Book Cover Design Book Writing
Timezone: Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Sat, Oct 21, 2023 11:59 PM (1 year 4 months ago)


What Is Your Unique Design Expertise?

And why is it important?

How does what you do contribute to the quality of the author's end product?

When an author brings their manuscript to you, what can they do in advance that makes your job easier? Harder?

Please describe your ideal client and project.

Share your stories.

Raise Your Profile & Authority From The Stage
Chris Hanlon Speaker & Pitch Coach

Learn how to use a Signature Talk to build your profile and authority, sell books and deepen your relationship with your readers. In this talk, Chris uses his experience coaching more than 50 Authors, Business Owners, Scientists and Activists with their TEDx talks over the past decade. All to give you a better understanding of the possibilities and steps to take to get the same result.

Boosting Book Sales: Strategies for Optimizing Your Amazon Presence
Judy Weintraub CEO

Amazon has over 300 million active users in multiple countries. Its bookselling platform allows authors and publishers to reach a massive audience with ease. However, with millions of books available on the platform, and over 4000 books published on the platform daily, achieving higher book discoverability can be a significant challenge. In this podcast presentation, I will share several strategies for optimizing your book on Amazon, which can boost the book’s visibility, and lead to higher book sales.

Business Client Attraction +4
Garage to Global - Imagineering Your Future
Les LaMotte Imagineer

Les LaMotte, Imagineer – Precisely Grappling Difficult Complex Projects and Financial Situations

Take action now, making positive steps to achieve the results you dream of and deserve it by putting the effort to begin.

Meet Les LaMotteA forward-thinking designer, innovator, and entrepreneur.  

Continually forging new profitable paths & profit centers.  He's a big-picture strategic thinker with a designer's eye for details, able to connect the dots and create a winning platform for success.  Strategy player with winning motivation and resolve excels in propelling growth through foundational relationships and business development strategies. A skilled negotiator and business developer capable of influencing sales and procuring contracts with clients of various businesses and influence, i.e. Best Buy.  

He envisioned and created categories of unique products solving the weight barrier, reducing price, and ease of use for Exhibits and Trade Show Displays worldwide. Met and exceeded major client requirements and successfully negotiated multiple Contracts over $100,000.  He held five patents worldwide for his invention of the Xtra Lite Display and marketed in over 36 countries around the globe.  Investing only $14 for postage he turned his enterprise into $14 million in revenue over 14 years.  He has traveled extensively around the world and has worked in support of the Nuer South Sudanese tribe for the last twenty-three years.  Les has mentored over 140 people beginning companies worldwide encouraging them to write their business plans and discovering their financial feasibility for beginning their enterprises.

Financial services
Writers: Save Yourself A Lot of Rewrites
Lisa MacDonald Founder of Step It Up Enterprises

One of the biggest problems of getting your book on the market is too much time is being spent on endlessly rewriting.

Thought leaders want to have their IP shine in the book they are writing. But how do you do that? The
answer: Have a well-constructed chapter that gets into the readers’ minds, shines a light on your
wisdom, and inspires your reader to take action on your wisdom.


• Learning what successful introduction and conclusion chapters are supposed to do and how they are that is different from the other chapters.

• Knowing how to structure a chapter to make it fun, easy to follow, and stop the ramble.

•Uncover the best structure for your style and niche and keep it going throughout the book.

We will explore the danger of thinking you can just sit down and write your chapters without figuring
out the best framework for your concept and niche. Knowing how a chapter works and how to structure
it in the best way that saves you many rewrites and makes you appear as an insightful thought leader.




The Mindset of the Blocked Author
Peter van Twuyver Mindset Expert

Do you suffer from Writer’s Block?  Procrastination?  Fear of Rejection?


If so, then this presentation will help you identify and eliminate the traumas and the beliefs that block you from producing content.


In this 60 minute interview, we will discuss the fears and self-sabotaging habits that can result in Writer’s Block.


We will also discuss and demonstrate strategies that you can use right now to improve your self-care and mindset to eradicate the excuses, bad habits, Core Beliefs, and traumas that stand in your way with content creation.


Join us for an opportunity to help you transform your mindset to Unleash the Writer Within!

Education Health & Well-being +1
Mindset Abundance +7
Designing Your Best-Selling Book
Rachel Valliere Book Designer

Maximize your publishing success by learning how to prepare for book design and make the best design decisions for your book. Great design is crucial for creating and selling effective books, and it's about so much more than simply finding the right image for the front cover. Design, at its core, is communication. It’s about creating an emotion and the right first impression, and it’s the first hurdle to cross when converting a consumer to a reader. We'll go over the most common pitfalls and the best strategies to ensure your book has a cover that converts.


Book Cover Design Book Publishing