Women Life Coaches Summit
Women Life Coaches Summit
Created 1 year 11 months ago
Organizer Wendi Hatton
Women Life Coaches Summit
Business Areas
Business Leadership Marketing Mindset
Business Growth Client Attraction Leadership Online Visibility
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Event date(s): -

Registration ends: Tue, May 2, 2023 6:00 PM (1 year 10 months ago)


Hello, and thank you for your interest in being featured on the Women Life Coaches Summit! This will be a transformational experience for our registrants due to the high level of expertise shared on a global level! 

These 20-30 minute interviews will be LIVE and interactive with 15-minute breakout sessions in between interviews as an opportunity for audience members to connect with each other as well as with you! 

Here is the structure. Share….

  1. A brief story of how and why you do what you do, relating to your interview topic.
  2. A teaching point educating the audience around your expertise, helping women coaches thrive in their businesses
  3. One action step they can take based on your teachings
  4. A description of your free gift related to the topic and its benefits -(contributing to the growth of your email community!)
  5. How people can reach you.


This is a promotional modeled Summit, where all Speakers will promote the event to their email list and on social media. 


Registrants will have an opportunity to upgrade to VIP status for $47 to receive the: 

Prosperity V.I.P. Bundle   

  • Lifetime access to all of the interview recordings
  • The High-End UpGrade Course - in home-study format teaching coaches how to create irresistible, premium offers
  • 5 Keys to Getting Premium Clients - eBook with easy to follow steps on attracting your ideal clients
  • ‘Collaborate to Cash’ Blueprint for LinkedIn Success - 5 part video series for quality collaborations and leads
  • Private Profit Plan Consult - mapping out your next 90 days for profit growth

A 35% commission payout will be delivered to those experts whose affiliate links connect to registrants who upgrade to the Prosperity VIP Bundle. 



The Summit broadcasts on May 2 at 10:00AM - 4:00PM EST depending on how many experts are secured. 

Let's inspire and empower Women Life Coaches to grow their businesses, creating a world of love, joy, connection and authenticity!

Discover Your Natural Productive Flow
Angela Kristen Taylor Integrative Productivity Coach

How do you go from being a perpetual procrastinator into one of those naturally productive, always on-time, gets everything done early people?


You might think it's a bunch of productivity tips and hacks to teach you how to "10x" your day but I'm here to tell you that's your one-way ticket to burn-out.


I used to be the biggest chaotic hot mess of a procrastinating, get nothing done human you can imagine and today I run a successful integrative productivity coaching company working 45 hours per month. I also raised and homeschooled five kids while coaching, training, and consulting for the last 20 years.


Wanna know how I did it?


Join me and Wendi as we uncover my four steps to creating your Natural Productive Flow, no matter how much of a hot mess procrastinator you happen to be at the moment. 

Business Family & Parenting +3
Energy Productivity +4
Free to Be Me! Re-Awakening to your Soul's Purpose
Celia Barsby Creative Visionary for Women

Discover what lights you up and see what is possible for you.

You will receive your Soul Resources on your journey.  Your Soul Structures will be revealed to you in powerful and fun, creative ways through various transformational tools, enabling you to reclaim your soul’s purpose so you can flourish and grow.

Come weave with Celia at your Soul’s Garden Party.  Step through the rickety gate of your Creative Heart Space and open your pathways into your Soul’s Magical Garden.

Education Health & Well-being +1
Life Purpose Coaching Soul Purpose +3
Out of the Box Ways to Promote Your Next Event!
Jessica Koch International Speaker, Run a Virtual Assistant Membership Program, LinkedIn Trainer & Sales/Marketing Consultant

Creative ways to get more sign ups at your next webinar, masterclass, book launch, in person event, or podcast! Ways to let people know your event is happening!! 

I will include a LinkedIn article containing helpful links and notes on my talk. 

3 Surprising Ways I Have Sustained a 100% Referral Based Business for 20 years
Laura Burkey Thought Behavior and Communication Coach

For Women attending this Summit, I want to share three surprising ways that have worked for me to achieve and enjoy coaching business that runs 100% by referrals.  


Like most people who pursue a passion, they want to spend their time doing the thing they love and less time doing things like looking for the business, creating social media posts, spending money on advertising, networking, etc.  


There is a lot out there that works to get you some referral business, but I have found that 3 things in particular have sustained my practice with referrals.   








3 Simple Shifts to Get More Engagement & Clients
Lisa DePamphilis Intuitive Mentor & Channel

Teaching Points We’ll cover: 

  • The puzzle pieces that create a solid business foundation
  • 3 simple shifts to get more engagement & clients
  • The missing key to easily enroll new clients

Action Step:

  • Short visualization to understand their target market and their top of mind problem. Participants will have better engagement with their ideal client as they understand what to talk about it in their marketing and offers.


Business Leadership +2
Marketing Client Attraction +36
From Fear Full to Fear Less
Lynda Sunshine West Founder & CEO, Action Takers Publishing

During this interview, Lynda Sunshine West will share her journey of going from being terrified to talk to people to interviewing the President of Mexico, interviewing stars on the red carpet, and being known as the Bestselling Book Publishing Expert. 

Business Marketing
Book Cover Design Book Editing and Layout +4
5 Ways To Use Speaking To Travel The World, Enroll Great Clients, and Live A Globetrotting Lifestyle
Moira Ni Ghallachoir International Business Mentor & Speaker

You can start to use speaking as a tool to enrol great clients even if you’ve never spoken before, or you’re not enrolling the clients you want from your current gigs.

Moira started speaking in her hometown of Donegal, Ireland when she first started her business over 4 years ago. Since then, she has spoken worldwide so she knows what’s possible for you too if you know where to find opportunities because they are everywhere!


In this interview, Moira will reveal the secrets to how she has booked gigs in less than 5 minutes! Plus... strategies she teaches her high-end clients, so you can find those amazing speaking gigs globally!


She will also share how to get out from behind your beloved computer and connect directly with thousands who want to hear your story, your message, and benefit from your brilliance.


Key Takeaways of the Talk:

  1. How to Book Speaking Gigs Globally
  2. The Keys to Start Enrolling Clients from Speaking Even if You’ve Never Spoken Before
  3. What Creating a Truly Global Impact Looks Like from Speaking
  4. How to Have a Great Lifestyle from One Simple Strategy That Anyone Can Use