Business plan in a day (1 day workshop)
Business plan in a day (1 day workshop)
Created 1 year 7 months ago
Organizer Procubate Accelerated Business Incubator
Business plan in a day (1 day workshop)
Business Areas
Business Education Marketing Mindset
Business Business Coaching Business Consulting Business Development Business Growth Business Plan Business Success Entrepreneurship Marketing Marketing Marketing Strategy Networking Networking for Good Small Business Success Virtual Events Workshop
Timezone: London, UK

Registration ends: Tue, Apr 25, 2023 3:00 PM (1 year 5 months ago)


How many times are you asked if you have a business plan. And are you proud of the one you may have? Isn’t it time to get one that is actually really useful, and can be shared with those who want to see it? This 1-Day workshop will give you a business plan to be proud of.

The workshop – Business Plan-In-A-Day is a great way to take a long hard deep look at your business, products, purpose, & the needs to each stakeholder.

A business plan should be a usable document, frequently being revisited and sometimes revised. No two business plans should ever be the same – Because no two businesses have the same products, purpose, processes, and business owners.

You may wish to distribute your plan to a bank or investor for potential financing. You may wish to share it among partners, or simply you may wish to use it for reference of your thoughts at a particular snapshot in time. The plan is your map to success.

Our 1-Day-Workshop offers a chance to create the ideal business plan for your business, taking into account the audience who will reference it, and the reasons for them doing so. The business plan is a stake in the ground. It is a point of reference. It is something to evolve, but more importantly shows a clear path to business stability & self-sustainability.

This workshop will produce a clear, unambiguous business plan to be proud of, offering clarity & purpose with the stepping stones necessary, and an achievable plan to realise them. Using our Business Inspector service approach, with a personal microscopic look at your business, it will challenge your entire business model, your products and services, to put the business’s viability to the test.

Converting idea into ink, this 1-Day-Workshop will make sure that the business plan, covering short, medium & long term business objectives are all detailed, in a way to uplift, education, and inform an audience with just what they need to know.

End Product: A tailored, personalised robust, well structured, easy to adapt, business plan to support a business for many years.



Take a look at what other people have to say after working with Sindre and Richard:


"Sindre is really great at challenging you and making you think in different ways. Being part of his mastermind group has really helped take my business to the next level. The value that I get from it is gold and it's way worth the time. It's a game-changer. I just wished I joined sooner."

— Steven Moxon (founder of Spice Realm)


“Richard is one of the most passionate person I have ever met. He has to ability to break down into details everything he teaches until you really get it. His clarity, his vision and his support so far have been close to few others and I can only recommend working with him.”

— Barbara Mastropirro (Kinesiologist and Energy Healer)


"Sindre’s programs are just absolutely amazing. I love the ideas he's bringing to our meetings every time."

— Patrycja McMahon (founder of Entrepreneur Plus Mum)


“Super knowledgeable, engaging, pragmatic and genuine sums up Richard, who has been supporting me to grow and strengthen my business, helping me restructure to achieve my business goals, improve marketing strategies, identify more efficient processes and set a clear roadmap for growth. Working with Richard is a pleasure, he is skilled at getting the best out of you and is full of brilliant ideas. I would recommend him without hesitation.”

— Jalpa Lai (Personal development coach)


"Meeting you this year was one of the best events for me!”

— Nail Khabib (founder of Sayt and Angel Investor)


“I found Richard's attention to detail fantastic and a great holistic view of issues and risk that gave him a viewpoint of the end-to-end process that you can only envy. I have no hesitation in working with Richard again and would suggest that any company not utilising Richard's skills is poorer for it. I worked with Richard 7 years ago and still converse with Richard on a weekly basis. Not many I am prepared to give that time to."

— Chris Kent (Programme manager & Project manager)


"The network of high profile, interesting, quality innovators that Sindre is cultivating is truly unique. It is definitely something to be a part of. And being a part of this innovation community will not only help you skyrocket your business and income and find different ways to make an impact in the world and really get your brain thinking in a unique way that no one else is. It's also going to hugely benefit your network. You're going to meet so many amazing people, make so many amazing friends from this community.

If you are thinking about working with Sindre, joining his community, becoming a part of his network, checking out one of his innovation calls, honestly, I could not recommend it highly enough."

— Yasmina Ellins (President of Maverick NEXT)



Click here to read more about the hosts and watch video testimonials.


The only 3 reasons in history any business has ever failed - And how to avoid them!
Richard Scott Seasoned Entrepreneur

Life doesn't have many guarantees, but would you like to guarantee the success of your business?

Taking 30 years of business experience, coupled with extensive learning at every viable opportunity, it became clear exactly HOW to guarantee business success.
With an entertaining, and hopefully educational presentation on how to guarantee business success, while also outlining the proven 9 steps to setup, develop & grow and business, Richard's presentation should stimulate and provoke some revolutionary thought, that will have you challenging the way you've worked, and put you on a better, faster, and easier track to business success.

Business Business Plan +7
Introduction to the 9 incubation steps
Sindre Kaupang

Hello there! I'm Sindre. I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs and innovators stand out in a crowded market by using disruptive innovation principles.

A few years ago, I co-founded, a music tuition platform that doesn’t rip off tutors and students. On my personal website, I teach people about productivity, accelerated learning and mental models.

I run an innovation mastermind where entrepreneurs and other smart, creative and ambitious people come together to innovate and disrupt industries.

Today almost every industry is over-saturated. Standing out is tough. 

It’s more important than ever to stand out in an exceptional way. If you don’t stand out, you’re practically invisible. But how do you do it? You have to innovate. There has to be something exceptional about you or what you offer - something that turns peoples’ heads.

Figuring out of this on your own is like trying to single-handedly build a space rocket in your garage with your dad’s toolkit.

The era of the lone genius is over.

I remember being so sad when this fact finally dawned on me. The thought of a visionary genius like Einstein single-handedly revolutionising one of the most fascinating and mysterious fields in the world is captivating. But Einstein’s approach doesn’t work anymore. Industries are becoming so complex that innovation is now a team effort.

How do Apple, all of Elon Musk’s companies and the world's most disruptive innovators consistently churn out groundbreaking ideas that no one else really thinks about? Because of two reasons. They can effectively use mental models, and they take advantage of the Medici Effect, which is the core concept of my innovation mastermind.

Steve Jobs said: “The world is built up of people who are no smarter than you”. This is one of the most empowering quotes I’ve ever heard. Anyone can come up with amazing ideas and put them out into the world. You just need to be in the right environment.

We have a collective understanding that we are able to innovate as profoundly as the most prominent innovators in the world. And the whole reason why we are able to do this is that we bring our minds together.

If you’re ready to turn heads, reach out to me!