Welcome to EntrepreNERD Summit V: The Summit Strikes Back
Note: applications to be live at the event are closed, but we are still accepting applications for prerecorded presentations to go out prior to the event.
Welcome to EntrepreNERD Summit.
The platform is Zoom.
The structure is great speakers sharing great knowledge in an interactive virtual environment.
The goal is to create high energy and engagement for geeky entrepreneurs to learn what they need to grow their business in a fun and engaging community..
We're here to learn, make connections, and have fun. There will be great talks, engaging networking, and fantastic geekery.

Your Geek
EntrepreNERD is a business summit with a geeky flavor. The content is serious and valuable business content, but with nerd flair. Please include in your application the ways in which you are geeky!
Your Talk
The speaker slots are 15 minutes. The concept is to have a quick, fun cadence. In your talk, you should focus on one key thing that people can learn.
If your talk is interactive, meaning you engage with the audience, bring someone up for a demonstration, or otherwise get people involved, you can stretch to 20 minutes, and we'll just shorten the speed networking or Q&A block after your talk.
While you can do a regular presentation with slides and all, I do encourage you to engage with the audience as well. They are there in the Zoom room. Make them feel like you're there with them.
Interview or Presentation
You can do presentation style or Michael Whitehouse or Laura Lake can interview you. You can present for a bit and be interviewed for a bit. We will also do Q&A if there's time.
Open Interaction
The talks will be 15 minutes, and at the last 15 minutes of each hour there will be a Q&A break. That means that people may stick around to ask questions or they may dash off during that time.
Offers and Gifts
You are welcome and encouraged to offer a gift or goodie to the audience during your talk. You can also share that link so it goes onto our gift list.
You are welcome and encouraged to offer something of greater value for our VIPs.
These are two different things. One for everyone who shows up free, and one for the people who paid for the $47 upgrade. You can do both, or just one. Up to you! It's experimental!
To be clear, down below, you'll see a “Gift” and “VIP Gift." The “Gift” is available to everyone who registered. The “VIP Gift” is available to the VIPs.
All presentations will be recorded. They will be available to all VIPs and all speakers. Additionally, some videos may be shared out to attendees or others on my list for various reasons including promoting that speaker's affiliate link or program.
Your Time Commitment
As a speaker, we ask you to join us for at least two hours of the event so that you will get to meet (and connect with) some of the other speakers. You need to be on at least half an hour before your scheduled speaking time so we know you're here.
Of course, you are welcome and encouraged to stay longer.
The EnterpreNERD be striking back
It be the 19th day of the 9th month
The day we be talking like pirates and learning the nerd!
Do business situations remind you of challenges faced in science fiction?
Does mindset shifting make you think of using the Force?
Do you think of the Fellowship of the Ring as the ultimate Strategic Alliance?
Are you a geek entrepreneur?
Then this event is for you! EntrepreNERD Summit is a serious virtual business summit for serious geeks who are also serious coaches, speakers, and experts.

The Audience
This event is for geeks who happen to be entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who happen to be geeks, particularly those who are in the growth phase of their business. We're talking Luke during A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, although Return of the Jedi Luke could also find some value here as well.
We delivering the valuable content that the audience needs to grow their business, and we're having a darned lot of fun doing it.
Your Speaker Experience
We're very flexible in the approach to this event making it a playground for speakers. The focus is on creating a great experience for the community who joins us. It just so happens that creating a great experience tends to lead to more opt ins and sales, but that comes second.
If there's something you want to do, then I'll probably say “sure, why not?” Just don't be pitchy. Pitching okay. Infomercial, less so. :)
Event Style
The event will be a live, Zoom-based event running a full day.
We're aiming for engagement. We want an event where people feel they are part of something, not where they feel like they are watching a YouTube video.
This means that we'll have interactive activities. It means we encourage interactive presentations.
It also means that we encourage speakers to be there for as much of the event as possible because you'll be making some connections while you're there. (Speakers are required to attend for at least 2 hours of the event)
Schedule Structure
Speaking slots will be 15 minutes, or, if your presentation is interactive we give you an extra 5 minute for a total of 20.
Each hour will be formatted as follows:
0-15 Speaker
15-30 Speed Networking
30-45 Speaker
45-60 Q&A for previous two speakers/break
All presentations will be recorded. They will be available to all VIPs and all speakers. Additionally, some videos may be shared out to attendees or others on my list for various reasons including promoting that speaker's affiliate link or program.
Speakers are expected to promote at least three times, and a minimum of 5 opt-ins are expected from each speaker. Swipe copy will be provided, or you can write your own copy. If you write really good copy, I'll share it with the other speakers and credit you.
If you bring in at least 10 opt ins, I will promote your affiliate offer to my entire list.
The top three promoters (by total opt-ins) will be promoted to the entire list of attendees and my own entire mailing list, whatever you would like to share (within reason), no affiliate necessary.